Becoming A Sister
We invite you to consider joining our life as a Sister of the Little Company of Mary.
Does concern for the suffering and dying move your heart in a special way?
Do you have the passion and courage to reach out to others and bring goodness and justice to our world?
If so, you may be called to be a Sister of the Little Company of Mary.
The first step is to contact us. We are here to journey with you, to listen and to answer any questions you have.
The Process
Inquiry: This initial period is to help a woman discern her call. Regular contact with an LCM sister will help you discover how and where the Spirit of God is leading you.
Pre-candidacy: When you and the LCM sister agree that the call to the Little Company of Mary way of life is deepening and appropriate you may decide to make an application. You are considered a pre-candidate.
Candidacy: This 1-2-year process is a time of experiencing and understanding what Religious Life entails, a time of transition to community living.
Novitiate: (2 years) This is a more intense period of discernment while you engage in prayer, study the vows, minister with other Novices, engage in an in-depth study of the life, mission and spirit of the Congregation and continue to live in community.
Temporary Professed: Upon completion of the Novitiate, you become a member of the community by making your First Profession of the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. Temporary Profession lasts for a period of three to six years.
Perpetual Professed: After completion of a period of time as a Temporary Professed you make Perpetual Profession, as a Sister of the Little Company of Mary.
If you require further information about the Little Company of Mary, please contact adminsecretary@lcmsisters.org